Motorcycles and Plasti Dip
Plasti dip has many uses and I want to show over the next few posts what people are doing with plasti dip with a collection of images on motorbikes, cars, arts & crafts and at home.
Plasti dip comes in aerosol cans and paint tins. The aerosols are handy for small to medium jobs and the paint tins for large projects. The aerosols are ready to use, just remember to shake the aerosol can for two minutes to mix paint for perfect results, where as the paint tins need to be thinned with thinners and sprayed with a spray gun.
All colours come in matte and you can add plasti dip enhancers for extra effect to your paint finish, like metal flake or gloss in the form of plasti dip silver, copperor gold metalizer or glossifier.
you will see in some of the images the use of plasti dip blaze, this is a collection of strong neon colours which can look amazing on any project.