Pro FX Spectral Pigments

Pro FX Spectral Pigments Now at iplastidip

The pigments are mixed with plasti dip clear and then sprayed over any existing plasti dip colour. If your dip project has no plastidip then select any colour for a base coat and then select your Pro FX Spectral Pigment colour, we used matte black plastidip as base coat mixed midnight green pigment with plasti dip clear and were amazed at the subtle glittering sparkle with incredible depth and stunning colour-changing qualities. Add some plasti dip glossifier to give an extra satin or gloss look to the pearlesent sheen in the pigment.

Have a look at a set of car wheels done in Midnight Purple Galaxy by one of our customers. John put a few coats of plasti dip black on wheels and mixed 5 grams of pigment with 1.5 litres of thinned plasti dip clear. Using a Preval Sprayer he used only half a litre of pigment to get excellent results.

It is really important how you mix the Pro FX Spectral Pigments with plasti dip clear and how much you use.
We have found about 5 – 8 grams with 5 litres of plasti dip clear sprayable ( 2.5 litres clear + 2.5 litres thinners) gives an excellent  result with a pearlesent sheen. add more ,up to 20 grams will darken pigment and lees sheen on finish, at this early stage its all about the finished look you want so experiment. We will be making a colour pallet soon for our showroom and will also put images on our website.
we will test pigments on two base colours, plastidip Black & White to see results and post in our gallery.

Check out Video on how to mix our pigments

Add a whole new dimension to decorating and detailing with Plasti Dip using our Pro FX Spectral Pigments…creating highlights and subtle colour shifts that enhance and visually upgrade your product whilst also offering protective function. Pro FX Spectral Pigments are suitable for automotive parts, architectural components, consumer electronics and general objects.

We are offering this specialist range of non-metallic effect pigments in co-operation with the world’s premier pigment manufacturers, to bring you a product that exceeds standard pearl additives and offers consistent colour, outstanding effect and long term UV stability. The structure of these Pro FX Spectral Pigments relies on reflection and refraction of light to create stunning colours and effects. It adds a subtle glittering sparkle with incredible depth and stunning colour-changing qualities.

You can create an amazingly broad pallet using our Pro FX Spectral Pigments in conjunction with standard Plasti Dip colours, Fluorescents and Blazes which look stunning.

We have nine amazing colours to select from in stock Now!

Sunset Bronze, Crimson Red, Enigma Green, Midnight Cobalt, Midnight Green, Midnight Purple, Midnight Purple Galaxy, Quasar Violet Teal Green & Sterling Silver.

Closed from Tuesday 17th Until Thursday 19th. No collections or delivery of New orders until Thursday evening. Sorry for any inconvenience.