Plasti Dip Chameleon Kaleidoscope
Plasti Dip Chameleon Aerosols
Plasti Dip Chameleon Kaleidoscope is an attention-getting colour shifter that stand out from the ordinary. Durable, flexible and waterproof, Plasti Dip Chameleons protect your stuff from the elements while increasing its cool factor.
With Plasti Dip Chameleon you can add a Chameleon flip colour finish to your Plasti Dip coated project, to further enhance and add variety . Best used over Matte black plasti dip using 2 or 3 coats depending on desired effect .
Once the matt finish Plasti Dip has been applied, and allowed to dry, the Chameleon can be simply sprayed over the top to add the Chameleon finish. Further coats can be applied to increase the effect.
Plasti Dip® is a synthetic rubber based coating that’s perfect for do-it-yourself projects around the home, garage, garden or shop. Plasti Dip is used widely for automotive detailing; coating wheels; and painting graphics that can be peeled off without affecting the car’s OEM finish*. Plasti Dip® can be used to coat wood, metal, glass, rope, plastic, rubber, concrete, tools, and just about anything else you can think of.